It’s always “your zombie apocalypse Lenin question is weird” “who even thinks about that shit” and never “was fixating on tiny details from history class fun? It looked fun”
Here’s my favourite icebreaker that I wish someone would answer legitimately for once instead of getting hung up on what a weird question it is: only ten percent of Lenin’s original body is left. The rest has been slowly replaced with plastic and other materials over the years. So the question we must ask ourselves is: in a traditional zombie apocalypse (one not caused by a virus but simply by the sudden reanimation of every dead body on earth) DOES Lenin rise? Does the zombie apocalypse still recognise him as a human corpse? If he does rise is he a severely useless zombie unable to move his plastic body OR does he become a super zombie boss fight?
I’d assume a sudden reanimation would require a half-functioning brain left in the body. Like, in any apocalypse movie/media you don’t see rising skeletons, only bodies that were decomposed to a certain point, and the brain is needed for any basic/bare life function, so if we assume that the apocalypse in your hypothesis is suddenly bringing back brain functions to those who died, then Lenin wouldn’t rise at all.
If not, then we need to think about which parts were replaced, and how mobile his artificial joints are. If his plastic legs aren’t possibly bending, then he’s unable to walk. And if his arms aren’t bending either, then he can’t even crawl. So even if he would wake up, he’d probably stay in his grave really, really pissed off. I doubt he has even a newspaper lying around.
But if somehow someone thought about making him mobile for whatever reason, he’s 90% plastic. Plastic is extremely flammable. One molotov and this bitch ded
Come on, Scully. This isn’t intriguing enough for you? A magician turns his head completely around-360 degrees-to the delight of young and old alike, after which it plops unceremoniously onto the pier.
nothing will ever beat baby anakin saying “qui-gon sir i don’t want to be a problem” and qui gon telling him “you won’t be ani” being followed by numerous movies and shows where he was in fact the galaxy’s biggest problem
Qui-gon: “At least, you won’t be a problem to me.” *dies*
to be perfectly honest. i don’t care if it is cheesy or cliched or idealistic. i like stories where the core of it is about kindness, the warmth we can offer others and the gentleness we receive in return. maybe the moral of the story IS love triumphs. it better fucking be
Abt Cupra Formula E Team – Pickled Onion Monster Munch. In the best possible way, the Abt Cupra car looks like the taste of pickled onion flavour crisps.
Avalanche Andretti Formula E – Ready Salted. They’re both red on the outside. That’s it.
DS Penske – Tyrrells Veg Crisps. Fancy crisps for a fancy foiled car.
Envision Racing – Walkers Salt & Vinegar. Used to be blue and now they are green.
Jaguar TCS Racing – McCoy’s Flame Grilled Steak. I did originally pick Mini Cheddars but they’re not actually a crisp. I know they’re cheese flavoured and these are steak, but they’ve got the same vib
Mahindra Racing – Worcester Sauce. This one is entirely based on vibes alone.
Maserati MSG Racing – Tyrrells Black Truffle & Sea Salt. Fancy, but in a different way to DS Penske because they’ve just got a fancy car and Maserati are Maserati AND based in Monaco.
Neom McLaren – Tangy Cheese Doritos. This is the one that started this particular electric racing/food crossover. Yes it’s because they’re orange and triangular
NIO 333 Racing – Numb & Spicy Hot Pot. Numb & spicy hot pot flavour is entirely the right crisp to match to NIO and not just because they’re both Chinese.
The wonderful Glass Octopus. Living at depths of around 3000 ft and only being about a foot long, these strange little creatures are rarely seen by scientists.