– “So you say we’re in our autumn years. Speak for yourself. I’m in the summer of my life. And when I leave, it will still be summer. I love summer. Don’t you?” – “I like all seasons. The first cool drops of rain, the first snowflakes, the first chimney fires, the first buds. These first things that come back each year delight me.” – “But the summer sun… I love the burning sensation. I need that sensation inside my body. Like the embers I handle each day.” – “I understand.”
The Taste of Things (La passion de Dodin Bouffant) dir. Tran Anh Hung, 2023
i wish tumblr would let you append a little memo when you blocked someone so i could remember if i brought the hammer down for virulent transphobia or for having slightly too annoying of an opinion on a day when i was hungover
I want to believe that the dead are not lost to us. That they speak to us as part of something greater than us. Greater than any alien force. And if you and I are powerless now, I want to believe that if we listen to what’s speaking, it can give us thepowertosaveourselves.