X Files really had it all while still giving me nothing
- Only one bed
- Stuck in the rain
- Lost in the woods
- Among Us style mystery killer paranoia
- Fake marriage
- Kidnapped (every conceivable way possible)
- Crying over your hospital bed
- Camping
- Stranded on an island
- Stranded in Antarctica
- Using my clothes to cover/warm you up
- Terminal illness
- Quarantined together
- “I’m keeping your [sentimental item] safe until I get you back”
- *can’t go 2 hours without calling you*
- Pizza & movie nights
- Attending work functions together
- I went back in time and you were there
- We have to strip to check each other for ominous skin abnormalities
- Wrote you love letters
- New Year’s kiss
- Spent my holiday on a case with you
- Cleaning each other’s wounds
- *wipes your face when you got food on it*
- Road trip
- Undercover together
- Stake outs
- Instinctually reaches out for you
- I can recognize you even if I can’t see your face
- Even brainwashed, I refuse to hurt you
- Literal soulmates
- Secret relationship
- They even gave us goddamned surprise pregnancy
The X-Files was trope bingo in show form, it really was.