I‘m trying to arrange my face into an appropriate approximation of silent bafflement and failing…







Small town culture is knowing that there are Old Folks with strange nicknames but never knowing the stories behind them.

Of course, I made the mistake of asking why everyone calls this one guy Brickaday and it turns out that he worked at a brickyard for 40 years, stealing exactly one brick every day and making no particular efforts to conceal the theft. Nobody thought anything of it until years later he was discovered to have built three houses.

His boss is said to have shrugged and made some remarks about the importance of coming up with a plan and sticking to it.

I‘m trying to arrange my face into an appropriate approximation of silent bafflement and failing miserably.

i appreciate brickaday

chaotic good

My grandpa once told me he worked with a guy called Scrappy at General Motors back in the 50s. Every few days he would wheelbarrow out metal shavings and the foreman was convinced he was stealing things and hiding them in the scrap metal to get it out of the factory. But every time they’d go through the scrap they’d find nothing. He was stealing the wheelbarrows.

One of my late grandfather’s friends was called Salami because he used to steal salami and cured meats so I’m seeing a pattern here

Thieves Guild call signs

this tiktok screenshot ruined my life i need to see the serbian pigeon movie so so badly but it…







this tiktok screenshot ruined my life i need to see the serbian pigeon movie so so badly but it doesn’t exist it’s so foul to make this bad of a point with something so cool and then take it away from me.

Tiktok marvel fans really will be out here like “movie fan SHOCKED because i’d rather watch superhero movie #54 in blue and not a sensual 1987 french horror film about a man discovering his wife may not exist set in what is gradually revealed to be a space station” as if you’re supposed to agree that superhero movie #54 is the clear winner in this comparison

Love the idea of a story about a complex issue that’s told from the perspective of something that cannot comprehend or care about the issue. The way the story would be sliced up and moments that a human would consider pointless would be focused on because the pigeon happened to be there would be hype as fuck

Ok FINE I made the movie poster of it

Mališa, otherwise known as Little One, is a pet pigeon owned by a conservative butler of the Austro-Hungarian aristocracy. She is loved, and she is pampered— until her owner is murdered in cold blood, and she is left to fend for herself in Sarajevo.

In the wilds of the city, she feeds from the poor, working nationalist radicals, and the vieux riches alike.

To Mališa, there are no ethical concerns. No politics. No burgeoning nationalism.

There are only hands that feed her, and hands that do not.

This is compelling. Consider me fucking compelled.

I have a very rough idea in my head that I don’t think I can clearly articulate beyond “And that…







I have a very rough idea in my head that I don’t think I can clearly articulate beyond “And that concludes tonight’s reports on German air forc—WHAT’S THIS? IT’S KING ARTHUR WITH A STEEL CHAIR

IDK what this is about, but I want to know more.

This isn’t exactly the same idea but it could be but there is more rattling around in here so:

  • The Blitz here manages to qualify as Britain’s Darkest Hour, thus triggering the return of Arthur from the Realm Avalon.
  • He does not speak a lick of modern English. He speaks an unholy mishmash of Brittonic and Late Classical Latin.
  • (Honestly I can see the latter becoming a plot point if they manage to get their hands on a Roman Catholic priest to act as a translator. It wouldn’t be a perfect arrangement, but probably better than anything else.)
  • Truthfully he probably gets mistaken for a madman.
  • Somehow manages to steal a Spitfire out from under the RAF’s nose, proceeds to use it to bring down like half an enemy squadron on his own, then lands in a field in the middle of nowhere.
  • Police and RAF converge on his location on account of the whole “stealing a plane” thing. They eventually overwhelm him with sheer numbers, but he manages to knock out an impressive number of them in the process. I mean, come on. It’s Arthur.

“a catholic priest” i mean yeah sure why not but JRRTOLKIEN himself was alive and a teacher at the time so go big or go home.

You know what sure why not let’s just make literal real-life JRRT himself a character in this Arthurian return story, he deserves it.

@seajr DUDE