Vulcan teen on Vulcan [tiktok] saying “I have just lost track of my father in the grocery store.”…


Vulcan teen on Vulcan [tiktok] saying “I have just lost track of my father in the grocery store.” The camera turns to show the viewers the grocery store in which almost every single older middle-aged man has a bowlcut and long robes. Camera turns back to show the teen’s face which is expressionless and yet communicates all it needs to.

Naturalists have got to be one of the groups of people most susceptible to being tricked by the fae….




Naturalists have got to be one of the groups of people most susceptible to being tricked by the fae. Travellers these days are much less likely to follow a mysterious light or the smell of roast beef into the forest. Meanwhile, find me a naturalist who would not completely lose themself in pursuit of:

  • An unidentifiable bird call
  • A butterfly that’s slightly off-color
  • An opossum with its head stuck in a yogurt tub
  • A really big woodpecker

The Fae better be fuckin ready to be tagged and fitted with a Radio Collar for Science then, I got new hiking boots and no other ideas for research grant money.


it’s called fashion, sweaty

kawuli:blinkingkills: thebeanster171: dfabbatter: illusionwaltz: How well do you see color? I’m…






How well do you see color?

I’m cry I scored 60, I feel blind

so everyone is aware, a lower score on this means a better score.

I got a 30!!!!!!!! Yes!

7, but i’m an art student so

Probably helped because I remembered to disable flux before I started lol