i think gen z ppl need to stop trying to moderate social media– which is impossible to moderate– and just go on forums already. “this is for mlm, wlw dni” bruh i’m telling you, if you discover mlm forums you’ll go bananas. everyone there will be mlm, i promise. this is genuinely friendly advice. stop wasting your time trying to control your twitter and tik tok, it won’t work because it’s designed to not be controlled.
I’ve said it before but the loss of forums in place of homogenized mass social media is a huge blow to the development of communities, and trying to implement forum rules, logic & expectations on social media is doomed to failure and just results in unnecessary hostility and argument.
Reading about medieval magic like “Oh hey turns out a lot the fathers of the church wrote extensively on magic. I wonder where they got these ideas from they sound kinda familiar.“ Then you get to the translation footnotes at the bottom like
Source: Pliny the Elder
Like, I’m a huge proponent of the idea that a lot of classical magic actually had an underlying empirical method and that much of what modern scholarship disregards as folk practices and mysticism actually has a consistent and comprehensible logic that is more than worthy of study.
I also think Pliny the Elder enjoyed just kinda making shit up.
i was talking with my brothers yesterday and we decided the best way to own a guy who takes off his shirt to fight you is to pick his shirt up and put it on
in 7 years its going to be the 20s again so we can bring back swing music and the aesthetics of that era but keep modern values who’s with me
you can’t repeat the past
can’t repeat the past? why, of course you can! of course you can.
date of origin: 19th of may, 2013.
this is my post. do you know how it feels to have this be your post? do you understand the guilt i have to live with knowing this is my post? the weight on my soul as the decade popped into prominence with spanish flu … 2 !
do you know how it feels, heritageposts? are any of these heritage posts your own or are you just a curator of human misery? do you know how it feels to live knowing that of anything i’ve ever made, anything i’ve ever said, this has been seen by most people, and this will probably remain the case until i die? for this to be my legacy? can you relate? can you empathize?
but do you want to know the worst part? the absolute worst part of all of this?
we haven’t even brought back art deco into mainstream prominence. sickening