tim-official:oversensitivebi: howtofuckamonster: kurtwagnermorelikekurtwagnerd: tim-official: the…






the demon i am on a first date with: i should apologize ahead of time. see my horns are so huge and majestic that i cannot put a shirt on. i am cursed to never have a shirt on so you can always see my (large) torso. i understand that might be rude

me: dang. i am sorry for your situation. we will just have to try make the best of it

what’s good about this is that our demon here COULD wear a button down, but this has clearly never occurred to them which indicates that they’re a himbo too

Me, staring at shirtless himbo demon and taking off my own shirt: oh my god, you’re so fucking stupid

was this post made by monster fuckers or

yes it was

wtxch:The Breathtaking Beauty Of Shah-e-Cheragh Mausoleum In…


The Breathtaking Beauty Of Shah-e-Cheragh Mausoleum In Iran

Shāh Chérāgh is a funerary monument and mosque in Shiraz, Iran, initially built in 1130 A.D. ,housing the tomb of the brothers Ahmad and Muhammad, sons of Mūsā al-Kādhim and brothers of ‘Alī ar-Ridhā. The two took refuge in the city during the Abbasid persecution of Shia Muslims. Shāh-é-Chérāgh is Persian for “King of the Light”.


it’s so stupid that you can’t think your way out of the mental health trenches. like you can know exactly what is wrong, why it’s upsetting you, and you can walk yourself through all of it logically and Understand it but your brain just responds like





hot take: the problem isnt the manic pixie dream girl. its the boring ass moody emotional leech guy she always gets paired with. we need more manic pixie dream characters. just give them partners who are as great as them or let them be happy alone! no more smart, beautiful, optimistic, kind girls getting paired with actual mosquitoes of men!

Also: make some manic pixie dream boys. If I wanna see romance maybe I wanna see a giddy boy full of positive energy who tells you fun facts about the constellations. Stop teaching boys they have to be moody and sad and they have to find salvation in a dream girl, this is how you breed Bad Men.


*whispers* holy shit


hands down my favourite bit of characterisation for trent crimm is that he’s a messy bitch who loves drama. like yes he’s a successful journalist because he’s an excellent writer but it’s also because he’s a nosy little fuck who will wait outside locker rooms to get the inside info from team players and accost managers in bars to get exclusive quotes. and it’s not even professional motivation he’s just nosy!!! even after he’s not getting paid to snoop anymore he’s sitting with his office door open so he can listen in on a fucking PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE, he’s chatting shit about west ham with rebecca. and he takes PRIDE in being told he’s good at chatting shit! that’s just his thing! you can take the boy out of professional gossipping but you can’t take professional gossipping out of the boy!!!!

memesnotwelcome:peachdoxie:worldheritagepostorginization:allons-ynumberten: eviesrealitychangesdail…










(ʘ‿ʘ✿) “what you say ‘bout me”

(ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ “hold my flower”

✿\(。-_-。) “Kick his ass, baby.  I got yo flower.”

i found it

the original post

i found it

this should have the opportunity to be on everyone’s blog. 

*tour guide voice*

and here on the left ladies and gentlemen, you see one of the posts before everyone went batshit crazy

World Heritage Post

Everyone here is dead.