tim-official:oversensitivebi: howtofuckamonster: kurtwagnermorelikekurtwagnerd: tim-official: the…






the demon i am on a first date with: i should apologize ahead of time. see my horns are so huge and majestic that i cannot put a shirt on. i am cursed to never have a shirt on so you can always see my (large) torso. i understand that might be rude

me: dang. i am sorry for your situation. we will just have to try make the best of it

what’s good about this is that our demon here COULD wear a button down, but this has clearly never occurred to them which indicates that they’re a himbo too

Me, staring at shirtless himbo demon and taking off my own shirt: oh my god, you’re so fucking stupid

was this post made by monster fuckers or

yes it was