

daily dose of granada holmes: i live for this outfit

january 29, 2023

two observations on the middle screenshot: Granada are still putting mirrors everywhere they can get away with it, and Holmes has his Favoured Weapon!

This is an overlap between Holmes Stuff and Horse Stuff so I obsess over it a bit: if he anticipates having to fight in melee, he carries what the text calls a ‘loaded’ hunting crop. You can see from the picture what a hunting crop is, it’s like an ordinary riding crop but it’s got a handle on it (which is useful for things like opening gates without dismounting, in places where it might not be convenient to get back on). ‘Loaded’ in this sense means that it’s been modified to make the handle end a lot heavier, probably by adding lead. So if you hit someone with it, he’d really know about it. In The Red-Headed League he does indeed take it with him to the bank vault.