illustrated this my fave @incorrect-star-trek post which i love and which brings me infinite joy (x)
I love this so much omg it’s beautiful!
Oh my goddd I love this. Sassy baby Spock
Tag: star trek
#oh Jimmy #you played that boy like a fiddle (tags by @pywren)
star trek discovery: ok jason, you need a new costume for the dystopian AU episode.
jason isaacs, opening his wardrobe full of villain coats: AT LAST, MY TIME TO SHINE.
Terra nut souffleThe dessert scene from “Riddles.” I love the way Janeway kind of falls on Harry’s shoulder in reaction to taking a bite of Tuvok’s creation.
Garrett says he and Robbie McNeill used to play a game where they threw their combadges at each other, trying to get them to stick. (They were attached to the uniforms with Velcro.) One day Kate Mulgrew joined in. She made one throw, and stuck the combadge on the first try. She then said “I’m the Captain,” and walked away.
Terra nut souffleThe dessert scene from “Riddles.” I love the way Janeway kind of falls on Harry’s shoulder in reaction to taking a bite of Tuvok’s creation.
Garrett says he and Robbie McNeill used to play a game where they threw their combadges at each other, trying to get them to stick. (They were attached to the uniforms with Velcro.) One day Kate Mulgrew joined in. She made one throw, and stuck the combadge on the first try. She then said “I’m the Captain,” and walked away.
In Starfleet Academy’s alien diplomacy class, there should be an entire semester devoted to Suspiciously Chill Planets. Do the locals offer you a magical elixir of peace? Do you stumble upon a strangely calming crystal? Do the village elders use a secret ritual to unify their followers? If so, run for the hills.
Star Trek: Discovery recap #8: “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”
female characters meme: [4/5] non-warrior characters // Nyota Uhura (Star Trek)
“And Lt. Uhura is unmatched in xenolinguistics, we would be wise to accept her conclusion.”