
he legit thought a dumpster was trying to communicate with him and after all the time he’s spent rolling around in one 

is anyone really surprised that clint barton would actually take advice from a dumpster without even thinking twice about it?


he legit thought a dumpster was trying to communicate with him and after all the time he’s spent rolling around in one 

is anyone really surprised that clint barton would actually take advice from a dumpster without even thinking twice about it?


he legit thought a dumpster was trying to communicate with him and after all the time he’s spent rolling around in one 

is anyone really surprised that clint barton would actually take advice from a dumpster without even thinking twice about it?


he legit thought a dumpster was trying to communicate with him and after all the time he’s spent rolling around in one 

is anyone really surprised that clint barton would actually take advice from a dumpster without even thinking twice about it?