





This is the cutest thing I’ve seen ever

He totally thought wednesday could lift him i’m dead

Honestly she probably could have.

The Addamses may well be the healthiest, most functional family unit to ever grace the small screen.

I think I’ve told this story before, but I read an article a long time ago that they asked children who watched this show why they loved it.  They expected answers to be about how they like the weird, slightly creepy stuff.  But no, most of the kids answered that it was because the Mommy and Daddy loved each other so much.

Parents who are affectionate (whether it be physically or just flirting with each other) in front of their children, are proven to raise kids who are more secure in themselves and emotionally healthy. Basically, hold hands in front of your kids. It’s rad for their development.








TIL that NASA has been launching jellyfish into space since the 90’s. Originally 2,478 were sent up and there were 60,000 orbiting Earth by the mission’s end 20 years later. The jellyfish that have returned reportedly ‘hate life on Earth.’

via reddit.com

Go you want to birth an Eldridge horror? This is how you birth an Eldridge horror

I want to know how they decided that they hate life on earth

I mean, who doesn’t

The “jellyfish that have returned” are the offspring of the ones sent up; they “hate life on Earth” because they were born into a world without gravity – no direction, different kinds of pressure, so when they return they have trouble adapting and (according to the Read More in the source) “Jellyfish babies, at least, have to deal with massive vertigo on Earth after spending their first few days in space,” which you can tell because you can measure how disoriented a jellyfish is compared with norma behavior. TL;DR your cthulu is an infant with a migraine

I have SO MANY questions, re:the jellyfish space habitat.

I mean I guess it’s probably just an airtight aquarium on board the ISS, but I read it the first several times as the jellyfish were just floating in open space.

tbh when I read “NASA has been launching jellyfish into space for years” my initial mental image was just NASA with a giant slingshot flinging jellyfish after jellyfish into the void 




If various companies think that pulling their content from Netflix so they can host their own streaming service will make them sign up to theirs then they are wrong. It will just make me pirate their content again.

The whole point of paying for a streaming was getting all the stuff you like on one place. If I have to pay for multiple streaming services I might as well buy cable.

It’s like they don’t realize that I only stopped stealing as a courtesy to the creators. Make it remotely inconvenient and I’ll go right back to piracy


james mcavoy smacking chris pratt in the face with a keyboard in wanted was a goddamn omen we all missed