100 FILMS IN 2015 → Jupiter Ascending (2015)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“I CREATE LIFE!! …And I destroy it.”
- Here is my feeling about this movie: it is your garbage. It is garbage for you. “Is this how straight dudes feel at the movies all the time????” I hissed SEVERAL times during this movie. “Like someone carefully noted down your early pubescent fantasies and then threw 100 MILLION DOLLARS at them?”
- Top marks go to evil space royal Eddie Redmayne, whose breathy ennui is offset by bouts of mummy’s boy shrieking, all delivered with a “petite-mort” look on his face that suggests he is being fellated by eternity itself.
- Someone on tumblr described it as the novel all girls wrote when they were 14 and frothing with a mix of swelling hormones and fading Disney fantasies, which I have to say is accurate to the point of pain. I mean, gorgeous Russian toilet scrubber finds out she is actually a space princess when a werewolf space marine rescues her from death at the hands of Greys? Pardon me, werewolf ANGEL space marine with a Sad because his wings are gone. And then everything is Alexander McQueen dresses and melodrama and bees, for some reason, and Eddie Redmayne doing his best heroin-addicted Voldemort impression.
- The plot is this: the Wachowskis were given an extraordinary amount of money to make whatever the hell they wanted, and what they wanted to make is exactly what we all, secretly, deep down, want to make: the big-screen adaptation of that Stargate fanfic you wrote when you were fourteen that really went off the rails and began to inhabit its own universe, complete with original characters, wolf-men, and bees. That’s Jupiter Ascending.
Tag: jupiter ascending
I have seen this movie denounced as a fourteen-year-old girl’s space fantasy filmed on a nearly two-hundred-million dollar budget. Well, I can see how people would think that. But even if I grant the point, the result is firmly within the mainstream of science fiction, sharing themes and ideas with several Hugo-winning works. In any case, the film is a pleasant change from the usual SF movie fare: a fourteen-year-old boy’s space fantasies filmed on a nearly two-hundred-million dollar budget.
A very on-point assessment of Jupiter Ascending by James Davis Nicoll (via fuckyeahjupiterascending)
Jupiter Ascending (2015), dir. The Wachowskis
(Please, do not remove caption)
These shots are just so beautiful. When these images filled the cinema screen, I knew I was in for something special.
It’s such a gorgeous movie. I don’t think I appreciated the beauty and artistry possible with CGI before Jupiter Ascending.
It’s such a gorgeous movie. I don’t think I appreciated the beauty and artistry possible with CGI before Jupiter Ascending.
It’s such a gorgeous movie. I don’t think I appreciated the beauty and artistry possible with CGI before Jupiter Ascending.
It’s such a gorgeous movie. I don’t think I appreciated the beauty and artistry possible with CGI before Jupiter Ascending.
It’s such a gorgeous movie. I don’t think I appreciated the beauty and artistry possible with CGI before Jupiter Ascending.