
There’s nothing more representative of Doctor Who than the following two facts: 

  • every single dalek story plays the fact that the daleks are involved as a reveal
  • every single dalek story has the word “dalek” in the title

Fuck You, Blog


So, my WordPress install grinds exceedingly slow. Jetpack breaks every time I update the plug-in, to the point where I’ve had to go into FTP and basically scoop all its shit out by hand. Because when it breaks, it takes out the entire site, including WordPress admin. So now, whenever it tells me it has an update, I have to deactivate and delete Jetpack, and then re-install it clean. Which has…

View On WordPress

This is basically why I removed Jetpack and just installed the individual parts that I wanted. Jetpack is the worrrrst



Due to personal reasons I will be ignoring canon completely and creating my own au

I recognize that canon has made a decision. But when it’s a stupid-ass decision, I have elected to ignore it.


Kirk: Date someone who will drag you up at 3am to look at the stars.

Bones: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life