

glad too see the weather network started drinking early tonight.

(they mean the storm crosses the international date line and not that we are about to be swallowed by a temporal anomaly that will perpetually trap us all in an eternal 2020. just in case you thought the latter seemed in character for the year)






I want to go to this exact point and run around it saying “I’m in Sweden!” I’m in Finland!” “I’m in Norway!” until I get tired

i aspire to great things in life

According to Google Maps, that point is in the middle of a small lake.

So we’ll do it in January when it’s frozen.

actually that’s why they’ve helpfully dropped a big-ass cement block with a bridge surrounding it in the middle of the lake: for the express purpose of doing what OP aspires to do

there’s so much beauty in the world.



taika waititi & friend

It’s like an 80′s Album cover with the bonus of 1)Taika and 2) kitten. 10/10 would listen ALL NIGHT LOOOOONGGG

This is far better than the Thriller album art




Frank Oz and Jim Henson ad-lib as Fozzie and Kermit in this test footage for the first Muppet movie, and honestly it’s pure gold.

This is a professional shitpost roleplay.

I’m crying becuase this is something I’ve never seen before, something original of that era of the Muppets with both Oz and Henson working on one of my favorite movies, but also becuase this is the funniest thing I have seen in mONTHS.