Stage 1: cute tiny “O”-mouth.
Stage 2: sticky the tongue out real far
Stage 3: ENtirE FacE SPLItS opEn LiKE a lOVecRAFTIAn hoRROR, REvEALInG aN eNDLESS pIT of poiNts ANd blaDES oH GOD
Stage 5: Mlem
This is a perfect description.
herdivineshadow from tumblr
Stage 1: cute tiny “O”-mouth.
Stage 2: sticky the tongue out real far
Stage 3: ENtirE FacE SPLItS opEn LiKE a lOVecRAFTIAn hoRROR, REvEALInG aN eNDLESS pIT of poiNts ANd blaDES oH GOD
Stage 5: Mlem
This is a perfect description.