




Damn I just realized that since the Rohirrim didn’t read or write (wise but unlearned, writing no books but singing many songs) that means Eowyn couldn’t read or write and since she marries Nerdboy McGee who loves reading and writing more than anything you can your bottom dollar one of the first thing that happens in their courtship/marriage is Faramir and Eowyn wholesome tutoring sessions in the Minas Tirith library (!) 

#STOP eowyn really is the dumb jock of my dreams… 

the best addition to this post by far. 

#what would you do if we kissed in the minas tirith library [50 emojis]

I feel like it’d be an exchange; Faramir teaches Eowyn his love of books and writing and in return she teaches him the many, MANY, songs of the Rohirrim that have never been written anywhere.

I’m crying……….. because what if they co-author a book of Rohhirim folk tales and history together T_T

Also Faramir keeps trying to over-analyze everything like “Ah, I see, the horse keeps tripping because we all must stumble our way through the unpredictable nature of this world” and she’s like “No babe, the horse keeps tripping because it’s funny and this is a story used to cheer up frightened children.”