
“I am allowed to reference my wife in this context. I enquired whether it would be appropriate, and her response was affirmative. I love and respect Amanda very much. So I said to her, ‘We have been married for many years and have raised several children with varying success.’ And she knew that. I said, ‘Do you mind if I still speak of your emotionalism on stage?’ And Amanda said, ‘Yes, Sarek, you may do this. But just don’t say that I’m a human and that you don’t like me.’ I thought, ‘The qualifications for success are so much lower than I had previously theorized. That is all?’”


“I would never say that. It would be illogical to create such a show. Hello. My wife is human, and I do not like her. No. Go find a support group for insecure Vulcans in crisis, with keynote speakers Sybok and Spock. I would never say that, not even in jest, that my wife is human and I do not like her. That is not true. My wife is human and I find her presence very agreeable. She is a dynamite, five-foot, Jewish human and she is more than adequate. She and I have totally different styles. When Amanda walks down the street in ShiKahr, she does not care what anyone thinks is logical. Amanda is my hero.”


(When you watch “Star Trek” after “Kid Gorgeous” and have a dream that Sarek goes on a Vulcan comedy tour)